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2021 ford f150 for sale alberta canadaPrecision is now assured - with the 2021 F-150 Hybrid promising automated support in Alberta. Anchored by the new Active Assist function, this pick-up will enable drivers to more effectively navigate highways throughout North America.

According to AutoBlog, the new F-150 Hybrid will be fitted with hands-free functionality. The Active Assist system - which will serve as a complement to the already available Lane-Centring and Adaptive Cruise functions - delivers peerless performance, allowing drivers to achieve seamless control over the truck. Activate this feature and a series of sensors will release 3D-mapping signals, automatically identifying road markers, speed signs, and other key points. They will then engage the steering column, adjusting tension to ensure the proper alignment.

This will enable drivers to the remove their hands from the steering wheel - providing relief during long journeys. Discover a more comfortable ride while traveling through Alberta, with the perfect column position achieved.

AutoBlog is quick to note, however, that the Active Assist system monitors more than the road. Instead it utilizes an infrared camera to track the driver’s eye movements and head position; and, should it detect a distraction, it will release audio warnings and request that the traditional steering position be resumed. This ensures safe travels with each rev.

What do you think of this automated system? Contact us today to share your opinions.