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Achieve precise performance in Alberta, courtesy of the 2022 Super Duty. This Ford fleet - which includes the F-250 and F-350 - has been fitted with Adaptive Cruise Control, ensuring that drivers can more effectively navigate stop-and-go traffic. Struggle no more with changing speeds.

At the front of the Super Duty sits a radar suite. This system continually assesses road conditions, noting both vehicle locations and acceleration. When a sudden change is detected - such as when forward-positioned cars slow down - the feature will automatically respond, applying controlled pressure to the brakes to match the pattern. Lane centring technology monitors trajectory, instantly noting when the truck begins to drift (and sending an alert to the driver); while available Speed Sign Recognition functionality recognizes passing postings and will adjust to accommodate the new limits. 

The cornerstone of the Adaptive Cruise Control system, however, is its ease - with Super Duty drivers able to set both speed and distance ranges. Simply select the preferred metrics and the truck will automatically adapt, maintaining a precise position on the highway (with the above functions only interfering as needed). Through this, efficiency is assured. 

Want to learn more about the new Super Duty line-up and its Adaptive Cruise Control system? Contact our team today!