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new ford f150 for sale alberta canadaPrepare, Alberta, for a new kind of hybrid experience. Images of the electric F-150 have been released - and they promise exciting changes for 2021.

According to Fox News, the F-150 Hybrid (which is scheduled to enter production sometime next year) will bring unprecedented performance to the market - with Ford pairing this pick-up with an independent rear suspension. No full-size truck currently in North America offers this feature, and critics anticipate that it will redefine the hauling experience. Ride quality will be improved, with pitch ratios automatically aligning to pavement changes; while a lowered spring rate will afford tighter cornering, allowing the platform to remain balanced. Traction will also be increased, courtesy of the seamless wheel connection.

Through this, the F-150 Hybrid will be able to better respond to rough terrains - enabling drivers to push past every obstacle with ease. Combine this with the inclusion of an economical powertrain (a zero-emissions lithium-ion battery will be offered, delivering an expected 10% to 15% increase in overall MPG output) and pick-up domination is assured.

To learn more about the upcoming electric F-150 - as well as our other available F-Series models - contact our team today.