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new ford f250 for sale alberta canadaDoes performance ever prove economical? Drivers know this sad answer - no. With every supercharged platform comes a loss of both fuel and dollars, with robust engines demanding endless resources.

The 2018 F-250 will change this.

According to For Construction Pros, the new F-250 defies half-ton conventions - delivering both strength and efficiency. Ford has partnered with renowned aftermarket tuner XL Hybrid to redefine the Super Duty platform. Beneath the hood now sits an electric drive system, which boasts a 1.8-kWh battery pack and a 259-volt traction motor. These elements work together to enhance economy, utilizing lithium-ion energy to bolster the truck’s performance. It directly fuses with the chassis, delivering a steady torque ratio of 220 lb.-ft (which demands fewer resources); and its regenerative braking functions maintain a smooth power-band.

This ensures class-leading mileage - with the F-250 able to achieve a 25% overall output increase. Drivers can now experience up to 21 MPGs, allowing them to spend their time on the highway (rather than at the pump).

To further impress, this system also reduces the truck’s carbon footprint - with its traction motor eliminating C02 emissions by more than 20%. This Super Duty model now proves both cost-effective and environmentally-friendly.

Want to learn more? Visit our dealership today for further information about the optional electric drive system.