The ML Series of parallel linkage air drills from Versatile are the ideal independent shank machine for simplicity and accuracy. ML Series drills use exclusive ALIVE technology to create a superior seedbed.
A-ctive L-evel I-ndependent V-ertical E-mergence
ALIVE technology incorporates three critical features to achieve optimum seed and fertilizer placement:
1. Independent Shank Technology
2. Mechanical Linkage
3. Seed Furrow Selection
1. Independent Shank Technology
Independent shank technology allows for more precise planting and consistent emergence. Each shank operates independently to maintain a consistent seeding depth. Improved seedbeds and seed placement result in more even and rapid emergence.
2. Mechanical Linkage
Unlike traditional parallel link drills, the ML series does not rely on hydraulics to maintain a constant seeding depth, packing pressure or shank trip force. Frame height is adjustable up or down to increase or decrease packing pressure, which allows operators to pass through soft areas and over harder, knolls while maintaining consistent and precise seeding capabilities.
3. Seed Furrow Selection
The monitoring system on Versatile ML Series drills maintains seed placement depth for any one of 3 furrow profiles: SHALLOW for small seeds such as canola, flax or grass, or MEDIUM for cereal crops or DEEP for legumes. ALIVE technology maintains the chosen soil profile and packs a layer of soil around the seed to provide appropriate seed-to-soil contact for optimal germination and emergence. ML Series drills pack a similar seed zone or soil layer for all seed placement depths or soil profiles; competitive drills pack all soil above the seed which can lead to over packing.